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Fimar, the Italian-Brazilian International Fair of the Economy of the Sea, gets to its second edition


FIMAR logoFimar, the Italian-Brazilian International Fair of the Economy of the Sea, will see its second edition take place in Itajaì, in the Brazilian State Catarina, from May 4th to 7th, 2016.
Fimar is the first international fair of Italian nautical design and supplies in Brazil. The fair includes different product categories, which represent the entire nautical-related industry: from shipyards to the interior design and naval architecture, accessories, technical machineries, engines and propulsion systems, naval mechanics, electronics, smarthome technologies, safety equipment, services, refit and more.
The fair, apart from showcasing products and innovations, aims to provide an excellent business-networking platform to enhance the exchange between the two countries and the common goal of the companies attending the event.
In fact, the Brazilian and the Italian nautical markets rely onto each other: the number of shipyards in Brazil and the offer of vessels is very various and diversified, but most of the shipyards, accessory builders and distribution agencies import largely from Italy, and the predominant suppliers and design are Italian.
The location chosen for the international fair is the most representative of the liveliness of the nautical industry in Brazil. Located in the Mercosur, halfway between Sao Paulo and Buenos Aires, Santa Catarina has 25 active shipyards and it is the Brazilian region with the highest number of harbours all along 500 kilometres of its coastal area. 5 of the 37 harbours in Brazil are located within the Santa Catarina region.
Ucina Confindustria Nautica, the Italian Minister of the Economic Development, together with the Government of the State Santa Catarina, organised the fair. Federpesca, Assonautica Italiana, Brazil Planet, and Acatmar (the Nautical Association of Santa Catarina) are also taking part in the organisation of this international event.
A press conference will take place in Rome on Thursday 11th February to illustrate the opportunities of the Italian-Brazilian market. Many Italian authorities and representatives will speak at the press conference, including Carlo Capria (Presidence of the Ministry Council), Luigi Giannini, Federpesca’s Vice president, Alfredo Malcarne, Assonautica italiana’s President, Riccardo Monti, Agenzia Ice’s President, and Andrea Razeto, Ucina Confindustria Nautica’s Vice president.


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