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The Italia Cup 2016


italia-cup-2016During the last weekend the Italia Cup 2016, the national competition dedicated to the Laser, took place in Genoa. 377 young sailors from all Italy took part in the event organised by the new Associazione Italiana Classe Laser in collaboration with Saloni Nautici. Thanks to the attendance of numerous companies, the competition was a great success both from the organizational point of view and from the sport one. Hundreds of athletes, with their enthusiasm and passion for sailing, filled the ‘Villaggio Regata’ in the squares of the Saloni Nautici and made this manifestation unique and of high agonistic level, all under the direction of the Yacht Club Italiano. The Circolo Genovese, in collaboration with the other Sailing Associations of the city and with Associazione Italia Classi Laser – made a great organizational effort inland and at sea to guarantee a perfect event, which was held with the support of Federazione Italiana Vela.
Italia Cup 2016 has also revealed itself as a sustainable project: it was the first competition in which the Yacht Club Italiano started a collaboration with AMIU (Azienda Multiservizi e d’Igiene Urbana Genovese). Every participant received information about responsible sailing with a list of some simple rules to follow in order to reduce the impact on the environment: from recycling to the correct use of water while in a port, to the respect for the sea and for the protected areas. To the following link the complete list of winners:


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