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BEDnBOATS to be presented at the Monaco Yacht Show 2016

Share:, the new online platform to connect boat owners and travelers, will be launched at the next Monaco Yacht Show in September.
The new community provides an affordable alternative to traditional accommodation for travelers: stationary boats will be for rental for unconventional holidays. Boat owners can list their boats for free on BEDnBOATS, and renters can easily find and rent static boats in a location of their choice worldwide.
”We consider the brand to be an Airbnb type booking engine for static charter. Renting a boat is no longer limited to those wanting to sail. Now everybody can stay on a boat and enjoy the experience of a boat owner for a fraction of the price” said Amber Bishop, Founder and CEO of “The business model is in response to vast opportunities presented by the sharing economy. We connect those who want a unique and special experience with the people who already have this through easy-to-use technology.”
Boat or yacht owners can set their preferred rates for their registered vessels: giving one’s boat for occasional rental may help owners to cope with the high expenses involved in boat ownership with a new source of income. On the other hand, travelers only have to decide their destination, travel dates and number of guests. The platform is already in use, and users are enjoying their stays in Monaco, Cannes, St. Tropez, Antibes, Barcelona, Ibiza and islands across Italy: there are plans to expand the platform operation to USA and Caribbean during next year.



Superyacht Market Overlook

This comprehensive article presents an in-depth Superyacht Market Analysis, comparing insights from two recent major studies that shed light on Global Yachting Trends, challenges, and opportunities in the luxury yachting sector.

Omnimec: new partnerships for production and distribution of technical marine products

OMNIMEC continues its expansion with a new collaboration with Subhadra: a certified Indian manufacturer of Outboard Engine Parts, rudders, and propeller shaft supports.
In addition, at METSTRADE 2024, the partnership between OMNIMEC and Nautic Holdings / Prompt Parts, a large New Zealand distributor that placed its first major order during the event, was made official.