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3D printing for the nautical industry: conference at Polo Marconi in La Spezia


3dprintingToday in the afternoon, at the University in La Spezia, Polo Marconi, the La Spezia section of ATENA (The Italian Association of Naval Technique) is holding a workshop on the theme of “Additive Manufacturing in the nautical sector”.
The seminary is part of the programme of educational events organised by Atena La Spezia and Polo DLTM, with the collaboration of Promostudi La Spezia: it obtained the support of AITA (the Italian Association of Additive Technologies) for the scientific value of its contents.

The “Additive Manufacturing”, also known as “3D printing”, is considered a real revolution for the industrial world, as the introduction of steam. It is already in use in various sectors, from aerospace to bioengineering, from engine design to electronic engineering. Using 3D printing has brought and confirmed many advantages: lower weight and costs; better mechanical qualities and performances; lower logistic costs. In order to have the best application, a deeply innovative design is required in components, so that material is distributed “only where it works”. At the beginning, the available machines where able to print only small components. With the current technology we can produce components ranging more than one metre, which allows for naval application. Such technology already attracted Navies and mercantile and leisure shipbuilding.

A functional 3D printer will be showcased during the conference to build a thruster: the event will start at 14.30 with a report by Francesca Cozzani, President of Confindustria La Spezia, who will discuss the industry expectations about such technology, in the perspective of deep innovation called “Factory 4.0”. Talks by academic and shipbuilding professionals, as well as by enterprises designing, producing and utilising 3D printers, will follow. The audience will be able to meet the invited enterprises during the pause in dedicated B2B spaces.

Detailed programme
14.00 – 14.30 – Registration – Demonstration 3D printer Detra
14.30 – ATENA Spezia’s President, C.A. C. Boccalatte: Opening of the Seminary
President of Confindustria La Spezia, F.Cozzani: Introductive report
Politecnico di Torino, E. Atzeni: Additive Manufacturing: industrial opportunities and perspectives
Lloyd’s Register, B. Hipwell: Additive manufacturing applications, limitations and its future in the maritime industry
Fincantieri-UNIGE, D. Bertetta, T. Cilia: Additive Manufacturing – FINCANTIERI / UNIGE experience on model scale propellers
Avio Aero, P. Gennaro: Additive Manufacturing in Avio Aero
16.00 – 16.30 – Pause & B2B Ditte & Demonstration 3D printer Detra
Dragonfly, C. Giarda: Dragonfly: additive manufacturing esperiences and solutions in the nautical industry
Sokar, G. Vergano: Application exemples and new upcoming technologies of metal deposition in the market
Superfici, P. L. Nazzaro, D. Telleschi: Boats can be printed: additive manufacturing as a future scenario of the Italian nautical design
3DZ.IT, G. Ferraris: 3D Printing technologies and their applications in the nautical industry
17.30 – 17.55 – Follow-up & Conclusions
18.00 – End of the seminary



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