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Seatec 2017 Qualitec awards for the best design and technology products


The 15th edition of Seatec Compotec (March 29th to 31st) gave two special Qualitec Awards to the exhibitors for the best products in terms of technology and design. A jury composed of President Paolo Scifoni, Antonio Luxardo, Sergio Cutolo and Massimo Franchini analysed the products on display during the first day of the exhibition and chose this year’s edition winners.

SEW Safety Early Warnig by E-Nav Srl
Qualitec Technology
Award winner
SEW is an interesting and reliable application aimed at enhancing safety onboard, using effective and state-of-the-art technologies in an innovative and well engineered synthesis.
A continuous remote control is done through infrared cameras, which create thermal images of the components and surfaces framed. The user can select on a display various portions of the area framed and choose an early alert threshold: when the temperature detected by the eye of the sensor exceeds the one chosen by the user, an early warning alarm is generated before the component gets  damaged or causes damage. Such system proves to be very well designed and reliable. Each component in a specific area (engine room, electric board, turbine wheels or exhaust pipe) has a different normal operating temperature, and this system allows to set numerous independent early alerts: every temperature increase can be detected and measured through the infrared cameras, so to report any emerging anomaly in advance.

Naviop-Loop by Naviop Srl
Qualitec Technology Special Mention
A user-friendly integration system and interface aimed at simplifying the monitoring and control of various onboard systems which can also be fitted onto small and medium-sized units.

Axiom by Raymarine Italia Srl
Qualitec Technology Special Mention
A multifunctional system for advanced control rooms, integrating navigation, eco sounder, onboard systems: it features high-quality graphics and fluent interface thanks to its powerful processor.

Click Gavitello Smart by PME Mare
Qualitec Design Award winner
Highly innovative product destined to a large body of costumers. The ‘click’ mooring buoy provides a smart and economic solution to mooring problems with the traditional mooring ropes. The buoy, connected to the mooring rope, gets to the sea bottom and stays there until recalled by the user through the remote control, which allows for an easy recovery of the buoy and the mooring rope connected. The system is powered by high-efficiency solar cells which recharge the battery, while the buoy features a ultrasonic receiver. For the recovery, both the rings with the traditional pike poles, and the magnetic base used together with a specific pike pole M_hook. A simple, lightweight and economical system featuring a captivating design and whose construction materials and mode of operation respect the environment.

myGest by Navel s.r.l.
Qualitec Design Special Mention
An implementation system based on slash gestures and touch of non-metallic surfaces, operating on the detection of the disturbance of a weak dynamic self generated VLF electric field. It allows to remotely control onboard systems without the use of a mouse or a trackball and has remarkable outcomes on the design of control rooms and interiors. The system is based on the GestIC technology by Microchip TM inc.


Advanced stabilization technology in Miami

Smartgyro Highlights its Latest Innovations in Gyro Stabilization and Marks Milestone Growth at the World’s Largest Boat and Yacht Show, 12-16th February.