Seafloor Systems launched its line of Autonomous Surface Vehicles (ASV) designed and developed for hydrographic survey applications.
Seafloor’s range of ASV’s combine workhorse utility and capability with modern, advanced microelectronics making owning and operating an ASV affordable to all in the Hydrographic Community.
Two are the remotely controlled survey vessels belonging to the new line: the EchoBoat-ASV, a multi-payload boat featuring portability, improved thrust and large payload capacity, and the HyDrone-ASV, a singlebeam catamaran platform for bathymetric surveying.
The survey vehicles can be monitored while under way, in both Auto and Manual modes, while within line-of-sight range. The mission planner application runs on a base station laptop, connected through a radio telemetry link and displays the vehicle’s graphical positioning and progress against a background map of the survey area. Battery voltage, current and capacity remaining may be monitored via this link.
Switching from autonomous to remote control is easy using a high-power remote control system that offers up to 2-kilometer range, with a survey endurance of over eight miles on a single battery pack.

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