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The leasing of the Italian nautical industry is fast growing


marina1The nautical  leasing confirms the economic recovery: + 135% in the first 4 months of  2016
Assilea, the association of the financial institutes, declared that, after a strong recovery during the last two months of 2015 starting from the Genoa Boat Show, the first four months of 2016 have seen an increase of the demands and contract agreements in the nautical leasing. Compared to the same period in the last year, the increment is of 135% in number of contracts and of 350% in value of the contracts.
Data from Assilea are among the numerous signs of the recovery of all nautical sectors, a recovery which has different speeds according to the sector, but which is always keeping a positive sign.
“In the four months following the Genoa Boat Show, Italian nautical leasing contracts have been signed for little less than 50 million euro – commented Carla Demaria, UCINA’s president – a further proof of the new interest for the national market.”
In the sailing yacht sector, the growth is differentiated:  there are shipyards which are going very well, such as the Pardo which continues to collect growing data, and shipyards, in particular the big ones of the series production, which are instead still suffering.
Such difficulty are determined more by internal problems rather than by the consequences of the crisis, as demonstrated by the great performances of Dehler which, thanks to the renewal of its line of products and a change in the design philosophy, found the route to growth.
The catamaran sector is also doing good: even though with small numbers, it is living a moment of great growth which promises to bring young brands such as Balì to the market in only two years.
The recovery of the smallest brands, those with a production of no more than 4 units per year – which makes them artisanal producers – is less strong.
“The recovery of the nautical leasing proves the growth of intensity of the recovery, – said Fabio Planamente, Managing Director of the Cantiere del Pardo and UCINA’s Vice President  – even though we shall not forget that most of those new contracts are referred to sailing boats for what concerns Italy and motor yachts for other European markets. The sailing yacht sector is growing slowlier, but starting from different percentage of loss of turnover compared to the motor yacht sector. We believe that, except for unpredictable events, the recovery of the nautical sector has started even if in a slow way.”


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