This year’s International Master in Luxury Management organized by Il Sole 24 Ore Business School, among the several areas of the Italian excellence, also focused on the nautical market.
The engineer Stefano Pagani, responsible for the Study Office of UCINA Confindustria Nautica and technical representative at the European Boat Industry association, was invited to give a talk about this productive area, in which Italy is a recognised leader, with an important economic and occupational role and one of the best trademarks of the Made in Italy.
Various themes were touched by Pagani’s speech to explain the importance of the nautical sector: first of all, he explained how the related industry is composed, in Europe as well as in Italy, and then focused on the large vessels, otherwise known as superyachts.
Later on, he underlined the competitiveness of the Italian industry, considered as a productive system in which each company take part and provides supreme quality, thanks to their products and components that are often chosen by the most qualified International shipyards and competitors.
At last, Pagani provided students with an insight in the global market, with the analysis of the advantages and the challenges of the growing internationalization of the productions, concluding with an interactive section aimed to value career opportunities in the nautical sector.

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