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The Italian nautical industry showcased at the China (Shanghai) International Boat Show 2016


loc-china-boat-show-768x431The latest edition of the China (Shanghai) International Boat Show, which was held from April 7th to 10th, welcomed 550 exhibitors, 40.000 visitors coming from 70 different countries. Among those, a delegation from Italy stood out to showcase the excellence of the Italian nautical industry.
Andrea Razeto, Vice President of UCINA Confindustria Nautica and Vice President of ICOMIA (the international federation of the nautical industries), joined the inaugural ceremony as ambassador of the national nautical industry. In his speech, he recalled “the important Italian presence to the manifestation confirms the peculiarity of the Italian nautical industry as the greatest expression of the Made in Italy. An excellence recognized in the whole world thanks to a product, the boat, which showcases at its best the Italian know-how, from the design to the interior styling, from textiles to technology. This know-how, strengthened in many years of commitment and entrepreneurship ability, will be able to contribute helpfully to the development of the nautical culture in China.”
The Italian companies who took part in the Show exhibited their products inside the Italian Pavillion, in a dedicated area organized by ICE and UCINA. The attendance to such show is part of the project to support the nautical industry approved by the Ministry of the Economic Development and realized by Ucina and Ita-Ice Agenzia.
The China (Shanghai) International Boat Show is the greatest event concerning the nautical industry in Asia. It doesn’t only offer the opportunity to display nautical products, equipment and services to a large public, but it also has the aim to promote the nautical culture in the Chinese market, which has always been looked with great interest by the Italian operators because of its great potentialities.


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