YARE, the consolidated annual event dedicated to Aftersales and Refit, returns after the pandemic period, to its natural spring setting that has historically characterized it.
The winning formula comes together in the 3 days on the territory of Viareggio and the Tuscan nautical district, from 15 to 17 March 2023, in the context of a week full of events that will see brokers, marinas and operators of the nautical and yachting supply chain as protagonists, to anticipate the yachting summer season 2023.
Main events of the YARE experience
The heart of the event is the “B2B Meet the Captain” agenda, taking place among international operators – on the one hand the Captains of Superyachts over 24 m and on the other shipyards, companies in the production chain and services related to Aftersales and Refit.
YARE will host collateral events such as the RINA Captains’ Awards in its 3rd edition, a technical recognition of the professionalism and competence of the Captains who are interlocutors of excellence for the superyacht industry and protagonists of the meeting, the Passerelle Pitch with the challenge among the participating companies on innovative and eco-sustainable projects.
Tours in the shipyards of the yachting district from La Spezia to Livorno and informal meetings during leisure occasions complete YARE program.
YARE is supported by the Tuscan Technological District of Yaching and Marinas and organized by NAVIGO, one of the main players in Europe for the innovation and development of yachting.