The second edition of EBS – Electric Boat Show 2023, three days of conferences, exhibition and water trials on the shores of Idroscalo “the sea of Milan” dedicated to the world of electric boating, with its national and international excellences, and to all the functional and versatile wheeled vehicles for a green management and maintenance of the infrastructures necessary for its development, has come to a close.
After the success of the first edition in 2022, EBS – Electric Boat Show has reconfirmed itself as an important get-together, at a national and European level, for all big players in the nautical supply chain, industry associations and local authorities to implement and outline the road to the transition to eco-sustainable and zero-impact mobility, starting today.
This year the institutions’ commitment was even more substantial, thanks to the collaboration of Città Metropolitana di Milano and the patronage of Regione Lombardia, Comune di Milano, Ministero delle Infrastrutture e dei Trasporti, Città di Segrate, Città di Peschiera Borromeo, Idroscalo di Milano, Confindustria Nautica, Assonautica Italiana, Protezione Civile, SIMA – Italian Society of Environmental Medicine, One Ocean Foundation, ASSOMARINAS, ANS – Italian Certification Body for Boating, Faita Federcamping, Faita Lombardia, Federturismo, Idroscalo Club and Lungsspeakout.
A dialogue between public and private actors
All the involved parties played a vital and active role in addressing issues related to environmental concerns and pertaining to the ecological conversion in our country.
The political authorities sat down to compare initiatives and existing regulations in the presence of a number of shipyards, committing to meet again to collaborate and find together solutions to promote the electric transition in the area surrounding the Idroscalo of Milano, providing an example to follow on a national scale.
With the help of Vetus Group, we hosted the important bilateral meeting between Italy and the Netherlands, which drew attention to the concrete experience of Confindustria Nautica Italiana, represented by Piero Formenti, and HISWA, in the person of Jeroen van den Heuvel, emphasizing the strong points and relevant achievements accomplished on the Dutch territory, an experience to be borrowed for an eco-sustainable conversion that enhances and preserves our bodies of water – stated the organisers of the event.
In addition to the wealth of meetings and panel discussions, visitors participated in the sea trials of the 100% electric vehicles, experiencing the thrill of sustainable and silent boating on the waters of Idroscalo.