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Lowrance on Thursdays of the Club of the Italian Yacht Club

italian yacht club event
Lowrance YCI event
Umberto Pelizzari
On cover, Riccardo Fanelli

Lowrance, a reference brand for electronic equipment used for fishing, and the historic Italian Yacht Club of Genoa continue their partnership in numerous areas and activities.

Among the upcoming events of this first half of 2022, they’ll be together in the prestigious Genoese headquarters of the YCI, where Lowrance will offer Club members an important testimony and all its experience, through two prominent brand ambassadors.

Umberto Pellizzari

On Thursday 17 March the undisputed protagonist will be Umberto Pelizzari, world-renowned freediving record holder and passionate fisherman, who will talk about his experience, successes, sacrifices, mental training and freediving as a demonstration of the challenge of nature and therefore of approach to the challenges of life.

Born in 1965, Umberto sets his first world record in deep freediving in constant weight on November 10, 1990, in Porto Azzurro, Elba Island, reaching an altitude of -65 meters and beating the record set by Pipin Ferreras by 3 meters two months earlier.

In October 2001 with the Italian national team, Umberto Pelizzari, together with Davide Carrera and Gaspare Battaglia, won the gold medal at the World Championships in Apnea for Nations. On 3 November of the same year, in the waters of Capri, he recorded the new world record in freediving in regulated variable weight with -131 meters.

Umberto dedicates this latest record to all those who have been close to him in these eleven years of competitive activity and decides to retire from competitions with the three records in the three freediving specialties.

Among other activities as a trainer and teacher, he is currently engaged as a journalist and television reporter in science and marine environment programs. He created the Apnea Academy school for the dissemination, teaching and research of diving apnea worldwide.

Riccardo Fanelli

Thursday 7 April, guest of the Yacht Club will be another well-known and appreciated figure in the world of fishing, in an evening definitely dedicated to the fishing members of Pontoon B: Riccardo “Capitan Hook” Fanelli.

Riccardo will reveal all the secrets of the trawler fishing, the tricks of professionals, the life and relationship with the sea as ​​a professional fisherman.

Journalist, photographer, well-known face of Sky’s television series “Fishing with Captain Hook”, Riccardo is one of the forerunners of the modern trawler fishing technique (traina col vivo), which he began to learn as a boy in the Ponza waters.

In the competitive field he can boast four convocations in the Italian Big Game national team, participating in as many world championships in Portugal, Mexico, South Africa and Egypt. He has also cultivated a passion for tuna drifting and, in recent years, vertical fishing techniques imported from Japan, including vertical jigging.


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