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Thermoplastic composite materials for nautical sector


POLYMER has introduced a peculiar technology and lightweight thermoplastics composites material in RV sector 5 years ago. The company has become a significant development and manufacturing brand in the EU, helping all major RV brands reduce weight, improve sound insulation, and decrease assembly times. Now, they aim to introduce these benefits to the marine sector as well.

In the last 2 years Polymer has worked on tooling concept, dedicated to small series marine sector. Furthermore, the company has added natural reinforced fibers (kenaf and hemp) to its existing glass fiber portfolio, enabling the marine sector to improve its carbon footprint. All materials allow recycling and reusing of all materials due to thermoplastic behaviour.   

First introduction was with company Saxdor, with the brand-new model Saxdor 400 interior.

Not just sustainability

The company, by introducing these materials and the complete solution of Polymer coatings in the marine sector, improves the environmental impact on several products:

using a thermoplastic matrix (PP): all panels are recycled or reformed, guaranteeing a low energy consumption (using only heat);

having a SINGLE MATERIAL composition, all the panels are an example of the circular economy concept thanks to the low energy consumption necessary for the second life;

addition of reinforced natural fibres (kenaf and hemp) to the existing portfolio of glass fibres allow the marine sector to improve its carbon footprint;

implementing automotive concepts for quick and easy assembly, enables assembly times 3-5 times faster. Furthermore, these systems allow for simple maintenance and dismantling at the end of the life cycle;

its lightweight nature leads to significant energy savings over its lifespan.

  • 4 times weight reduction (around 1,1 kg/m2): ZERO water absorption materials
  • Automotive soft touch feeling and durable textiles/artificial leathers
  • 3-5 times improved noise absorption
  • 2D (no tooling) & 3D formable (price friendly tooling)
  • Improved product price
  • Simplified & fast automotive attachment systems (velcros, dual locks…)
  • Natural reinforced material (kenaf & hemp)



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Omnimec: new partnerships for production and distribution of technical marine products

OMNIMEC continues its expansion with a new collaboration with Subhadra: a certified Indian manufacturer of Outboard Engine Parts, rudders, and propeller shaft supports.
In addition, at METSTRADE 2024, the partnership between OMNIMEC and Nautic Holdings / Prompt Parts, a large New Zealand distributor that placed its first major order during the event, was made official.